I must say I deliberated back and forth whether to use this man for July, but not because he lacks as a moron (rather the opposite, actually). Wilson is the man you never heard of, a low-key politican in the Republican Party, until he yelled out, "You Lie!" during a Presidential Address. Now, be it that there was some sort of righteousness attached to his indignation, Wilson would be exempt from my scrutiny. But his rude outcry had nothing of factual foundation to it, only malice.
When President Obama was reassuring the American people that the Health Care Reform benefits would not extend to illegal immigrants, something of delusional nature triggered Moron Wilson to call President Obama a liar. But what's far worse is how in consecutive days mysteriously his campaign funds substantially increased!
Allow me to dispel death to Wilson's "bravery" or "moralness" with this plain citation, as quoted by FactCheck.org: "Obama was correct when he said his plan wouldn’t insure illegal immigrants; the House bill expressly forbids giving subsidies to those who are in the country illegally. Conservative critics complain that the bill lacks an enforcement mechanism, but that hardly makes the president a liar."
Understandably, though Rep. Joe Wilson is one of the grandest malicious morons in the American eye, my sole reservation was whether or not to further draw attention to his infamous character.